May 19, 2006

DOI - Enterprise Architecture (OCIO)

Methodology for Business Transformation
Step 1: Perform Modernization Blueprint Modernization Tasks.
Step 2: Determine Scope and Set Business and Vision Strategy.
Step 3: Analyze the Business.
Step 4: Analyze the Information Technology.
Step 5: Author Blueprint, Obtain IRB Approval, and Appoint Executive Sponsor Nominee.
Step 6: Incorporate Approved Recommendations into organization's Enterprise Artifacts.
Step 7: Perform Business Transformation Initiation Tasks.
Step 8: Conduct Business Process Reengineering (as necessary).
Step 9: Conduct Data Standardization.
Step 10B: Incorporate Major Recommendations into Investment Request (as necessary).
Step 11: Define Detailed Solution Architecture.
Step 12: Implement Solution and Conduct Change Management Tasks.
Step 13: Maintain the Blueprint and the architecture.

May 17, 2006

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May 8, 2006

Stardock's 10 Rules of Success

Pricing a Project?

Pricing a Project